3D Artists
Drawn Show
Model show "bricks" in 3D
90% of the effort of a drone show is in the preparation. Learn how to create 3D models (no knowledge required) and earn money when a customer uses them. (Compensation coming soon)
Commencez à créer des modèles 3D réutilisables 👨💻 (sans connaissances préalables) et gagnez de l'argent 💰 quand un client les utilisera 🤝*
Assemble models. Preview the video (normal and/or VR)
The web application's integrated editor lets you assemble templates and synchronize audio yourself. No more wasting time, money and energy asking someone else do it for you
Fini la perte de temps ⏳, d'argent 📈 et d'énergie ⚡️
Produce highly verified and qualified shows. Industrially
We calculate the technical capacity of your drone fleet to play customer shows. No more indecisive customers or unpleasant surprises
Fini les clients indécis 🤷 et les mauvaises surprises 😱